Time Acceleration
As the frequency is rising (Schumann Resonance), the time is lowering. When time low acceleration increases and vice versa. The weather remains an inverse relationship with the frequency (f = 1 / T "f" in Hz and "T" in seconds), also called the period when one increases the other decreases.
Thus the rotation of the Earth began to accelerate, a process that has intensified in recent years. What does this mean? The movement of rotation, clockwise, is the spin of the Earth around itself and acts as a gyroscope. Giving us 24 hours. Reducing the time gave up due to the great cosmic acceleration that is occurring, it means the day today, it has the same duration of a 24-hour day. Therefore, the perception that everything is going too fast is not illusory, but the real basis of the disorder Schumann Resonance. Today we have a maximum 14:30 hours.
By this time, this end of century, is actually walking faster because the Earth is rotating around its imaginary axis with greater speed. Subatomic particles are vibrating at a higher frequency.
The various types of clocks were made to measure time. There are mechanical watches, electronic and atomic. Mechanical watches are older and are still used today. They have an escape mechanism that gives the right gear in time. This device consists essentially of an adjustable swing. In watches, this balance has a way of driving a car, stuck in a shaft and a spring called by watchmakers delicate hair. The balance turns to one side to another by issuing the famous sound of ticking. There is a small lever to tighten or loosen the hair, regulating the movement of the clock. Also wall clocks have a pendulum that can be adjusted by a nut, changing its length, thus allowing you to modify your gait. These mechanical watches, usually manufactured in Switzerland, when they were brought to the tropical regions needed to be regulated. All this has to do with the speed of rotation of the Earth. In the equatorial gravity is lower, due to the linear speed be higher, changing the gait of mechanical watches. What has been exposed, we can draw the conclusion that the Earth has changed its speed for most, the gravity decreases, reducing the weight of the balance sheet, accelerating its march. Then something is going to compensate the other. Thus, the mechanical watches can not report the change in velocity of the earth.
On the other hand, both as the atomic clocks electronics, are made of materials that could be changed with the acceleration of subatomic particles. The electronic clocks have a quartz crystal (SiO2 - silicon dioxide), which pulses at a frequency exactly giving them the proper gear. Since atomic clocks have a stone that emits radioactive cesium constant. The regular flow of this radiation is what controls the speed of the clock. This stone cesium also suffers effects of acceleration of subatomic particles.
Conclusion, the clocks are giving us information that is relatively correct, but absolutely false. The reason that makes people realize the change of time is the gap between the time available and the speed of our activities.
Tachyon Energy
Vibrational energy
Our energy can make three different polarities: positive, negative or neutral.The energy of a person is something special, being identified as positive or negative for itself and should again be identified in relation to the other person, may be evaluated differently for each. So you can have positive energy for yourself and for your brother negative or vice versa, either positive or negative for both. If your energy is negative for your brother, does not necessarily mean that it is also bad for you.
To identify what type of energy a person, it is the test by touch. Tap into this person and realize that feeling brings. If it's a good feeling, attraction, feeling the warm skin, energy is good for you. If the touch cause some revulsion of skin, feel a tingling in your hand or feel the cold skin, energy is bad for you. If you feel nothing for the touch or the look, means that energy is neutral.
Energy contrary, a positive and negative for others, indicate an energy compatibility. It follows the rule of opposites that attract each other because we are talking about energy. In the case of love at first sight, for example, that there exist such compatibility.
Energies repel, so a meeting like this you feel a repulsion for another person, a certain dislike, distrust or something less aggressive. The only physical attraction between two people, requires equal energies. For a person that you feel deep affection or love, is supposed to have power commensurate with its (opposite energies).
For the development of vibrational energy is important that the person has power compatible with yours, as this greatly facilitates the process of energization, the simple transmission of energy or even telepathy.
Energy, however, can be changed. To make the energy of two people compatible, you can proceed with the inversion energy. This compatibility can be desired, for example, between therapist and patient, to facilitate the treatment process, or in couples to resolve serious differences.
Vibrational energies are those produced in hyper-accelerated pace, drawn from various sources, such as sexual or emotional stimuli. A person will only have vibrational energies in your body catch them by emotional stimuli or it has an active sex life.
The vibrational energy can be positive and negative. The negatives are fear, anxiety, depression, panic, pain, longing, etc. and are positive happiness, love, sex, etc.. All these energy sources can be converted into vibrational energy through active mental command of the individual, ie, the deep desire. We can neutralize negative energies rubbing his thumbs and then rubbing the back of the earlobes. This exercise nullifies the effects psychosomatic because it deals with the systems of meridians that are connected to the central nervous system and is also connected to some branches of active perception. Massaging this beam he can unblock the energy flows and no more problems.
Other ways to obtain vibrational energy is through exercise and mental performance of activations.
Thus, the person will be its own source of energy, not needing to capture energy from outside. So to reverse the chakras, not to absorb negative energies.
Types of energy
Vibrational energies are obtained through the emotional stimuli (fear, hate, love, happiness, pain, etc.) and sex.Vibrational energies are those not active in a frequency below 17 Hz A person with this energy can perform many things, but within your energy field, can not interact in the field of others.
Active vibrational energies are those in a frequency greater than 17 Hz is possible to use this energy to work off your energy field, and the results are very fast.
Kundalini is the merger of all the vibrational energy (emotional and sexual) transmuted.
Tachyon energy is the sum of all the other more cosmic synchronicity (kundalini and stored centrally in the front).
So the stages of energy development are:
1.Transmutação of vibrational energy
2.Elevação and centralization of kundalini in front
3.Conversão Kundalini Energy Tachyon
It is the energy of higher frequency vibration in the Universe. This energy is composed of two neutral pairs of particles that have electric charge by contrary are canceled out and balanced. Being neutral does not offer resistance and moves 27 times faster than light. Why not have polarity, can be used for positive or negative, so it can not be viewed (no color) is the vibration of cosmic harmony.
It is thought energy that vibrates at high frequency of love, the same power that Jesus Christ used to do with extraordinary success by what today we call miracles.
All things and beings in the universe vibrates at different frequencies depending on their level of development. Jesus Christ showed to all that vibrating at high frequency of love can drive the mind Tachyon energy to raise the vital energy of people taking the self-healing.
With the same energy directed, Jesus Christ could change several times the vibration frequency of the water, turning it into wine and so could do the same with other elements, beings and objects of nature.
The manipulation of Tachyon energy allows the elevation of consciousness to higher dimensions of reality, thus facilitating contact with beings and see other dimensions, enhances the life energy, the aura or electromagnetic field staff.
For the third dimensional worlds, like Earth, the difficulty of achieving this high degree of vibration is far behind our current understanding. Due to psychological blocks, traumas, complex, emotional and financial issues, hinders us enter such a line.
The pyramids are generators that capture tachyons, which is the resonance frequency Shumann, cosmic energy. At the time the pyramid of Cheops was built with the generator quantum, because people to take an initiation, they realized that alone, according to the third dimension, the density made it difficult to interact with this energy.
The "Egyptians" (beings from another world) came with this knowledge, they made an evaluation of all energy points, the energy vortexes of the earth, and built the pyramids at 30 degrees east and latitude 19 degrees south, because these coordinates generate a vibratory field giant, is the largest planet hyperactivity.
Tachyon Energy is an eternal energy, already make use of it through our thought, but the frequency of our thinking is well below the Schumann resonance frequency, the resonant frequency of the universe, the pulse of the earth, this frequency today pulsates 13, the vibration of the earth is and we're 13 to 15 (our consciousness frequency), we have to accelerate in a balanced way to have control of that energy.
Jesus Christ rose from 12 to 19 years in the pyramid of Cheops, with the Phoenicians, making his initiation, he was the one who made use of this Tachyon energy, jumped at the vibration of quantum generator built by human hands and extraterrestrial knowledge (mainly for construction other pyramids).
The generator generates power tachyonic quantum of fourth dimension, today's mechanical engineering already uses Tachyon energy and quantum physics already talking about it.
We use this energy unconsciously, we must learn to use it in a conscious and active at the time the pyramids were initiated with total activity and who could then be part of this group, managed to levitate, float, transmute, were " gods "(Moses began this pyramid).
Each emotion has a frequency of vibration. All chakras produce Vibrational Energy. These energies, the sex is the most frequent. Kundalini is not only sexual energy, but the fusion of all the vibrational energy transmuted, ie the Third Dimension. Kundalini can be raised to the front, and we can direct it.
With the development of Kundalini to the front, there is an interaction with the Earth's electromagnetic field, which is periodically synchronized with the cosmic vibration, turning into Tachyon Energy: the energy of thought, which is the sum of all others, by the method which Jesus Christ performed his miracles.
The Tachyon Energy is linked to thought, conscience, love vibration - the Fifth Dimension is the sum of all energies more cosmic synchronicity.
Cosmic energy is a little piece of God, your Higher Self, or consciousness is alive, active in nature, our consciousness is a piece of God, we are similar to God, which can be worked, handled through a certain coding